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Book of Revelation Episode 10

Fri, Sep 17, 2021

Series: Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is a great book, a glorious book. But it's given in symbols and imagery and that scares some folks. We're going to dig down into the imagery and symbols, so that we know exactly what God is telling us, according to his words.

There are various approaches that can be used to study the Book of Revelation. The approach that we will use is the futuristic approach. It’s the best because it more literally impacts the truth of the Word of God. It accepts that God's Word is true and it looks at it literally. It also it is the only approach that is bound by scripture. You can see the references to the futuristic approach in Scripture. These are the reasons that we choose this approach of looking and interpreting the book of Revelation.

In Revelation, John's visions reveal that Jesus has overcome evil by his death and resurrection and will return one day as the true king of the world.

Now, the reason I'm a stickler on on the title, which is revelation, I think the most publishers use the revelation. That's not what it is in the original language in the original language, it is revelation. It is a revelation of Jesus Christ.

In fact, that should be the title of the book, the first five words of Revelation, the revelation of Jesus Christ, or a revelation of Jesus Christ, because that's what it's about. It's not revelations, plural. It is one revelation, the revelation of Jesus Christ, he came originally, as the Lamb of God, sacrifice for us that we might have a right to the tree of life.

Do not worry about scriptures that you don't understand in the Book of Revelation. Don't worry about that. Everything we get from God is according to Revelation. If God doesn't reveal it to you, you don't really need it right now. He will reveal it to you as you need it. Just concentrate on what God does reveal to you in his work. Trust him as you continue to study the Book of Revelation. As you continue to look for Him, He will make things clearer to us as you need them.

Through the Book of Revelation we have hope and walk in peace. We have nothing to fear he has given us a pathway to righteousness through the Book of Revelation.

To get the most from this study of the Book of Revelation, you must spiritually prepare. And the basic preparation is knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. So he can be your spiritual guide on this journey.

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